Last night Irving and I celebrated his birthday—a few days late—and got to try Mission Latin Bar and Restaurant in West Seattle. I highly recommend it—we had a great time and the food was delicious. While Mission is not at all vegetarian, it does have many veg friendly options, and they were more than happy to veganize dishes for me. In fact, it said right on the menu that they would—what a welcoming little note!
We shared the guacamole with spicy plantain chips for an appetizer—we both have a weakness for plantains and these did not disappoint! We ate them up so quickly I didn’t even snap a picture!
While there was at least one, if not two or three, veg options in every category—enchiladas, tacos, burritos, etc.—I was stuck between two dishes. I was really curious to try the tofu fajitas—I’ve eaten a lot of tofu, but it’s not usually found in a Latin restaurant. But in the end, at the recommendation or our server/bartender I went with the sweet potato enchiladas with apricot mole sauce. I’m so glad I did—they were amazing! She said that she’d never had them without cheese and that the cheese was what made the dish for her, but I pointed out that I’m used to cheeseless dishes! The highlight for me was the apricot mole sauce. It was sweet, but not too sweet—I’m definitely going to try this one at home! Served along with the enchiladas were black beans and rice, and a note on the menu assured me that they weren’t made with lard!
The dessert menu didn’t have anything vegan—not a surprise to me at all. So I asked the bartender about some of their dessert drinks. They didn’t have any non-dairy milk to make a creamy drink so she said she’d make something special for me. She returned a minute later with a flaming glass filled with coffee liqueur with sparks of cinnamon flying everywhere. After the fireworks died down she added coffee [decaf]. It was delicious and felt like a dessert! A perfect end to a delicious night—next time you’re out and about in Seattle try to find Mission. It’s tucked away and very plain on the outside, but totally worth tracking down!
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