I’m back! It feels like I’ve been away from the blog for a while, thanks to the miracle of auto-post. Thanks for the break—not that I think anyone would come knocking on my door demanding more posts—but thanks seems like the right thing to say. Thanks—for reading, for time off, for following, for support and encouragement—thanks!
We enjoyed some much needed family time with a quick getaway to the Oregon coast. We slept in (even David!), relaxed on the beach, made sandcastles, and grilled veggies dogs at a beach bonfire. It was perfect.
But now that I’m back for the final week of Vegan MoFo, we’ve got some business to take care of—like a giveaway! Over the summer I ordered David a copy of Ruby Roth’s new book V is for Vegan. If you’re not familiar with Roth, check out her website. She is a former elementary teacher turned activist turned author, and combines her love of children and her vegan lifestyle in fun children’s books. Her other books are great, but meant for an older audience—elementary school I’d say. V is for Vegan specifically targets 3-5 year olds, but I think it’s fun for anyone—even adults! What an awesome conversation starter to leave this on your coffee table for your next dinner party!
V is for Vegan covers topics like caring for animals, the planet, getting in the kitchen, and where our veggies come from! Each page is brightly illustrated, and the words rhyme. It’s a very catchy book, and David and I find ourselves repeating funny lines to each other throughout the day like “E is for eggs, from a chicken’s butt”—David’s personal favorite.
This is a great addition to any vegan’s book collection. I especially like this for David because it helps me to clearly explain the choices I’ve made for his diet. We don’t know any other real life vegans, so it can be a little isolating at times. Helping him to verbalize why he doesn’t eat cheese or meat, why he does eat his veggies, that he gets his protein from the same sources as strong gorillas, and why we take care of our planet will help to prepare him to answer the questions he will inevitably be asks as he gets older. David asks me regularly to read “the vegan book.” He loves it and knows half of it by heart! I look forward to getting him Roth’s other books as he gets older.
V is for Vegan is light hearted and gentle for the youngest viewers (no information of feed lots or details of factory farming in this one!). I will say that it is very pro vegan. I wouldn’t think that it would be the best fit for a family who participates in Meatless Mondays, although good for you, what an awesome first step! You can read more about why Roth chose to be so specific in her target audience here.
Thanks to the wonderful generosity of a friend in the book business, I have a copy of V is for Vegan to giveaway to one of you! This contest will run through Friday, September 27th, at midnight PST. Enter below, and spread the word!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
* open to those with a US mailing address
I love to hear from you! Please leave a comment on my facebook wall or send me an email at sarah@frieddandelions.com.
[…] care of business: Have you entered to win a free copy of children’s book V is for Vegan? Contest ends on 9/27 at midnight—enter now! Also, remember to get your free downloadable […]