This post is a part of a series of smoothie recipes. Click here for the introductory post.
For those of you who don’t follow along on Instagram (you really should!), we’ve had a pretty exciting few weeks around here! I should be about 39 weeks pregnant right now, but instead I have a 2 week old baby snuggled up with me! Jonathan was born exactly 3 weeks before his due date, and still weighed in at a whopping 7 pounds, 10 ounces! Must have been all of those good veggies I eat! Big brother David is head over heels in love with his little brother, and Irving and I are pretty smitten too.
Commence photo bomb….
As we’ve been settling in I came to a realization. You often hear about moms who suffer from post partum blues, but I think I have “pre partum” blues. I tend to be a little bit antsy and very type A—sitting around and waiting is not my strong suit, and I feel like the waiting takes forever. As soon as Jonathan was born I felt like a fog had lifted and I’m back in the game. Well, as much as I can be while waking up multiple times every night!
This smoothie, full of antioxidants and a citrus punch, is a great wake up, especially if you haven’t have a whole lot of sleep—ah hem! Come to think of it, these photos were taken the day before Jonathan was born, so maybe there really is something to this combo of fruits and veggies—soon to be mamas give this one a try—maybe you’ll have the same good luck as I did!
No More Blues Smoothie
1 Banana
1 c Blueberries
½ c cranberries (I get them frozen—stock up at the holidays)
2 cubes (1 cup lightly packed) Spinach
1 T chia seeds
1 c Orange Juice
Place all ingredients into the blender and blend. You can add water or ice to thin or thicken the consistency to your preference. Enjoy!
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